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Rachel Lascar


  • Yoga, Pro
  • Painting and plastic arts, Pro
  • Experience with children, Pro
  • Director, Pro
  • Production company, Pro
  • Kung-fu, Mid-level
  • Swimming, Basic
  • Horseback Riding, Basic
  • Experience with weapons, Basic
  • Car license


  • Francesa


  • French, Native

  • Spanish, Bilingual (Acento: Francés, Ruso y Alemán )

  • English, Bilingual (Acento: Francés, Ruso y Alemán )

  • Catalan, High (Acento: Francés, Ruso y Alemán )

  • German, Mid-level

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Rachel Lascar

Rachel Lascar is a beautiful combination of tenacity and sensibility. Magic like a fairy and strong like an amazon. It is always a pleasure working with Actors who pay as much attention to their craft as they do to their humanity.»?– Javier Galitó-Cava – Artistic Director of the JGC’s Meisner Technique Program.

Rachel is a French actress, director and producer. She was born in Brittany and she is based in Spain. She is multilingual in French, Spanish and English and also speaks Catalan and German. She works in film, television and theater.
In films she is part of the cast of Through my Window/A Traves de mi Ventana (Netflix 2022), CAGE (Oct-2022), The Gunman directed by Pierre Morel & acting alongside Sean Penn, Boi (Netflix) and Miss Dali playing the role of Gala Dali. She was directed by Belen Macias in Marsella, by Eduard Cortés in Los Pelayos (Winning Streak) and by Julio D. Wallovits in La Silla. She has also played roles in animated films such as Bunuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles produced by Manuel Cristóbal, which won the Goya Award for Best Animated Film in 2020.
She received the Oriana Award for Best Actress at the San Andréu de la Barca International Film Festival.
In Series she can be seen in one of the top ten Spanish TV Series worldwide, Elite playing the recurrent role of Estefania, Princess and mother of Philippe, in Foodie Love (HBO) directed by Isabel Coixet and in the highly successful Spanish TV series Ministry of Time playing the leading role of Bloody Mary (HBO) in English. Her characterization of Queen Mary earned her excellent reviews in the press. She has also been cast in many successful TV series such as Los Hombres de Paco (Paco’s Men); El Barco (The Boat), Victor Ros (RTVE) and Deudas (Antena3).
In the theater she played Ruth Steiner in Donald Margulies´ play Collected Stories (Entre Relatos), which she also produced. The play ran at the Tantarantana Theatre (Barcelona- Spain) for 2 seasons, was nominated for Best Play in the 2015 Garnacha de Rioja National Theatre Award and Rachel was nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role. She also works as a director and directed the first Spanish version of the play The Memory of Water written by Shelagh Stephenson.
In 2022 Dignidad/Dignity, a shortfilm she wrote, directed and produced, will be released.
Rachel is a graduate of the Meisner Technique Program directed by Javier Galitó-Cava. She also received Master classes from Rachael Adler (Neighborhood Playhouse in N.Y). In France she studied at the Vera Gregh Studio and at the Jean Perimony Drama School. She previously studied History of Art in Brittany.
She also paints.

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  • Videobook Rachel Lascar

  • Bande Demo Française Rachel Lascar

  • Showreel English Rachel Lascar

  • Rachel Lascar en Elite 4T



  • Premio Oriana a Mejor Actriz para el personaje de la madre en el corto "The Sight", España 2013
  • Nominada a Mejor Actriz Principal por su papel de Ruth Steiner en "Entre Relatos + Mejor Espectaculo/ Collected Stories” en el Certamen Nacional de Teatro de Garnacha de Rioja, Espagña, 2015.


  • "La Mirada del Mar", Dir.Marçal Forés Netflix
  • "BRUHA", Dir. Gisberg Bermudez, Clarissa Jacobson & Shayna Webber
  • "Un Cel De Plom", Dir. Miquel Romans
  • "A través de mi ventana - Through my window", Dir.Marçal Forés Netflix
  • "Jaula", Dir. Ignacio Tatay
  • "BOI", Dir. Jorge M. Fontana
  • "Le blizzard", Dir. Álvaro Rodríguez (cortometraje)
  • "Miss Dalí", Dir. Ventura Pons
  • "Buñuel en el laberinto de las Tortugas", Dir. Salvador Simó
  • "The Gunman", Dir. Pierre Morel
  • "Marsella", Dir. Belén Macías
  • "The Pelayos", Dir. Eduard Cortés
  • "7 Minutos", Dir. Daniela Fejerman
  • "The Lost", Dir. Bryan Goeres
  • "La Silla", Dir. Julio Wallovits
  • "El Millor Negoci Del Mon", Dir. B. Gantillon
  • "Contrebandiers", Dir. Frederic Danos
  • "The Sight", Dir. Alex Assenmacher (cortometraje)
  • "Tapa Cerrada", Dir. Jorge Castrillo (cortometraje)
  • "L’air", Dir. Emilia Ruiz (cortometraje)
  • "Estocolmo", Dir. Guillermina Cardó (cortometraje)
  • "Nasciturum", Dir. Cristina Campos (cortometraje)
  • "41º", Dir. Santiago Garrido (cortometraje)
  • "The Believes", Dir. Anders Bigum (cortometraje)


  • Revenant - Marco Nicoletti
  • Entre Relatos - Hans Richter
  • Cinco Tipos de Silencio - Nicolás Rivero
  • Play Mamet - Nicolás Rivero
  • Miller vs William - Nicolás Rivero
  • Noche entre Compañeros - L'Especifica
  • La Nuit Juste Avant les Fôrets - Piedad Guardiola
  • La más Fuerte - Pierre Pirol
  • La Tribune de l'Histoire - Alain Decaux
  • Corps et Tentations - Theatre Ouvert
  • Performances (installations & happenings ,video dance) - Galerie La Clédalique


  • Marbella - Movistar+
  • Berlín - Netflix
  • Mrs Davis - Warner Bros. Television for Peacock
  • Balenciaga - Disney+
  • Las Pelotaris - Vix+
  • Foundation 2T - Apple TV
  • Elite Stories - Netflix
  • Elite 4T & 5T - Netflix
  • Deudas - Antena 3
  • Ministerio del tiempo 4T - Tve1
  • Foodie Love - HBO Dir. isabel Coixet
  • Cartas en el Tiempo - TVE2
  • Secretos de Estado - Dir. Frank Ariza T5 Cap 11
  • Matar al Padre - Dir. Mar Coll Movistar+
  • Victor Ros - Dir. Belén Macías
  • El Chirinquito de Pepe - Tele 5
  • El Barco - Antena 3 Dir. Jesús Colmenar, C Therón, David Molina-Globomedia
  • Los Hombres de Paco - Antena 3
  • León Never Sol (Music Video) - Dir. Jaroslav Moravec
  • The Blackghost (Music Video) - Dir. Santiago Garrido Rua
  • Gente-Presuntos Implicados (Music Video) - Warner Music


  • Graduada del Programa de Tecnica Meisner con Javier Galitó Cavà
  • Masterclass de Técnica Meisner con Rachael Adler (San Francisco, USA)
  • English weekly training con Luci Lenox (CSA)
  • Masterclass “Acting in France” con Nathalie Chéron
  • Escuela de arte dramático con Jean Perimony (2º & 3º) Paris
  • Cours Privée con Vera Gregh & Tania Balachova Paris
  • 3er año de Licenciatura de Estudios Teatrales en la Sorbonne Paris
  • “Humor y Seriedad” con Alfredo Sanzol
  • Masterclass con Juan Carlos Corazza
  • Entrenamiento actoral con Txiki Berraondo
  • “Actuando Shakespeare” Dir. Bruce Myers (Cia Peter Brook/ The Royal Shakespeare Company)
  • Movimiento Dir. Lee Ann Etzold (New Paradise Laboratory, Filadelfia, USA) & Isabelle Brès (España)
  • Dicción castellana Dir. Raquel Carballo
  • English & American Speech con Alyssa Ciccarello (Metodo K.Linklater)
  • Danza teatro Dir. Mercedes Boronat
  • Danza Butoh Combate escénico, Viewpoints
  • Escritura para teatro con Carole Frechette (Canada)
  • Taller de seguimiento de guion con David Victori
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Bea: +34 676 930 382
Júlia: +34 663 808 546
Apdo de Correos 653
03730 Xàbia, Alicante, Spain

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