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Paula Vicente Mascó


  • Painting and plastic arts, Mid-level
  • Improvisation, Mid-level
  • Cooking, Mid-level
  • Singing, Mid-level
  • Tennis, Mid-level
  • Ski, Mid-level
  • Soccer, Mid-level
  • Model, Mid-level
  • Car license


  • Española


  • Spanish, Native

  • Catalan, Native

  • English, High

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Paula Vicente Mascó

She was born in Barcelona, with a theatre-loving father and a model and TV presenter mother. Since she was a little girl, she was taken to the theatre and did cinema sessions at home, together with my sisters.
Later she began to see that acting was something that undoubtedly captured her attention, so from that moment on, and even now, she began to train me in acting schools in her city, Barcelona. And he says even now because he’s still in training, even though he’s starting to work on it, and I think he’ll never leave the training, no matter what, by learning we grow.
When he was 17, he entered a new interpreting school, to make that little vocation he had inside more professional and, therefore, to make it a little more real. It was there that she decided she wanted to dedicate herself to interpreting. During those years he recorded many short films for colleagues of the guild, and began to work in the world of television and theater. At the age of 19, she premiered her first creative play in Barcelona with her friends, who were also actresses and playwrights.
In fact, with them she has made a team to not stop creating together, among women.
After that premiere, she started working more as an actress, and this time in the capital, Madrid. Moving and working in new areas taught her a lot. She entered the series SKAM 3T for Movistar+ and is very grateful for this project.
Now she dreams of being able to work both in the theatre and on television, but her biggest dream is not to stop creating and growing.

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Paula Vicente Mascó-1
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Paula Vicente Mascó-3
  • Videobook Paula Vicente-Mascó



  • " Brindem Per", Dir. Paula Vicente Mascó (cortometraje)
  • "Calvario ", Dir. Lluís Margarit, ESCAC FILMS (cortometraje)
  • " Where the fuck is dante", Dir. Albert i Pau Sansabrià, ESCAC (cortometraje)
  • "Dear You", Dir. Idoia Iriarte y Carla Ruiz, UdG (cortometraje)


  • Derecho a pataleta - Dir. Berta Prieto y Lola Rosales, Sala Beckett
  • Eating your shit was nice - Dir Bàrbara Mestanza Teatre La Gleva.
  • Vull,Va - Me LaPela Cia. , Teatre Mira-Sol.
  • El Chinabum - Cia. Aura Al Pou & Paula Ribo



  • 4 Cursos de Joves con Isaac Alcayde, en Estudi Laura Jou Formació de l’Actor .
  • Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior en Tècniques d’Actuació Teatral al Col.legi de Teatre de Barcelona.
  • Curso de “Acting and Improvisation” con Sherry Cox, en Ridgefield High School, CT, EEUU.
  • 4 Cursos de Joves en la escuela con Nancy Tuñón i Jordi Oliver.
  • Taller de iniciación a la interpretación con Joan Sureda, en IE Costa i Llobera.
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Bea: +34 676 930 382
Júlia: +34 663 808 546
Apdo de Correos 653
03730 Xàbia, Alicante, Spain

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