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Lupe Cano


  • Improvisation, Pro
  • Cycling, Mid-level
  • Cooking, Mid-level
  • Danza Afrolatina, Mid-level
  • Dance therapy, Mid-level
  • Clown, Mid-level
  • Zapateado singing, Mid-level
  • Mexican Traditional Guitar, Mid-level


  • Mexicana


  • Spanish, Native

  • Catalan, High

  • English, Mid-level


Lupe Cano

For more than 13 years she has lived in Barcelona, where she has made her debut in film and television, in addition to continuing her career as a theater actress. Born in the south of Mexico, in Veracruz, of indigenous and Afro-descendant origins, from a very young age she felt the call of the arts, so at the age of 18 she migrated to Mexico City and trained as an actress at the ENAT (Escuela de Actuación del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes). To her vast experience and training as an actress, she adds in 2005 a new path as an interpreter of traditional Mexican music (son jarocho), performing singing, zapateado and various instruments (jarana and marimbol) in a professional way. Art for her is a path that she walks with discipline, joy and dedication in equal parts, a universal language that has allowed her to be reborn and reinvent herself to share the best of herself, now in other lands.

Lupe Cano-0
Lupe Cano-1
Lupe Cano-2
Lupe Cano-3
  • Videbook Lupe Cano



  • "Hasta el fin del mundo", Dir. Viggo Mortensen
  • "Los Tigres", Dir. Alberto Rodríguez
  • "Santa Barbara", Dir. Anäis Paretto


  • Mexicatas - Escrita: Sergi Belbel. Dir: Antonio Calvo Compañía: Cor de maguey
  • Renéixer 2019-2020 - Teatro de los Sentidos
  • El hilo de Ariadna” 2018-2019. - Teatro de los Sentidos


  • Profesional especializada en técnicas y métodos de movimiento como Método Feldenkrais, Bodymind Centering y Danza Movimiento Terapia
  • Profesora de iniciación a la danza para niños y profesora de Método feldenkrais para adultos en Obrador de Moviments Centre de creació i aprenentatge corporal a través de la dansa i el moviment.
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Bea: +34 676 930 382
Júlia: +34 663 808 546
Apdo de Correos 653
03730 Xàbia, Alicante, Spain

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